The weakening of the Rupee against the US Dollar and a volatile equity market may have triggered a shrinking of wealth for India’s elite club of billionaires.
Hurun India Rich List 2012-10-10
(5 September 2012, Shanghai) Hurun Report today released the 2012 Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index (Luxury CPI).
胡润百富 2012-09-05
(25 July 2011, Shanghai) Hurun Report released the Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index today. This is the fifth year Hurun Report has released the LCPI.
胡润百富 2011-07-25
(12 June 2010, Shanghai) Hurun Report, best known for compiling the China Rich List, released the Hurun Luxury Living Index for the fourth year today.
胡润百富 2010-06-12
(Shanghai, 2 July 2008) Shanghai-based Hurun Research Institute, best-known for its annual China Rich List, has released the “Hurun Luxury Living Index” for the second year.
胡润百富 2008-07-02
(Shanghai, August 15, 2007) Hurun Report China Luxury Living Index rose by 8.74% over the past year, more than double the consumer price index.
胡润百富 2007-08-15