2018  ·  Hurun·PingAn Good Doctors

Hurun Research Institute and Pingan good doctor jointly released "Hurun·PingAn Good Doctors of China 2018". The 9255 "good Chinese doctors" on the list come from 25 cities and 30 departments in China. This is the second time that Hurun Research Institute has jointly released the list with Ping An Hao doctor.

2018  ·  Hurun·PingAn Good Doctors

Hurun Research Institute and Pingan good doctor jointly released "Hurun·PingAn Good Doctors of China 2018". The 9255 "good Chinese doctors" on the list come from 25 cities and 30 departments in China. This is the second time that Hurun Research Institute has jointly released the list with Ping An Hao doctor.