The Hurun Research Institute today released the Hurun Largest Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in China 2022, a list of those 100 foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan companies with the greatest contribution to China's economy, based on their sales and the number of employees in China. This is the second year of the list.
Hurun Research Institute today released the Hurun Largest Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in China 2022
Key Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in the GBA
(21 December 2022, Guangzhou) The Hurun Research Institute today released the Hurun Largest Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in China 2022, a list of those 100 foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan companies with the greatest contribution to China's economy, based on their sales and the number of employees in China. This is the second year of the list.
Hurun Research launched the Key Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in the GBA, a list of the most important foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan companies for the Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Between them, the 100 Hurun Largest Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in China had sales of US$1tn in China last year, equivalent to 7% of China's annual GDP, with an average annual sales of US&10.6bn per company. They had just under 3 million employees in China, with an average of 30,000 employees per company. 59% are direct-to-consumer and 41% are B2B businesses. 81% sold physical products and 19% sold software or services. The automobile, consumer goods, healthcare and consumer electronics sectors led the list, accounting for nearly half of the top 100. The average age of the 100 companies is 92, and they have a history with China of 55 years on average.
Hurun Report Chairman and Chief Researcher Rupert Hoogewerf said: “These 100 foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan companies have made a significant contribution to the China economy, with sales last year totaling US$1tn in China, equivalent to 7% of China's GDP. They had just under 3 million employees in China. In particular, the four major industries - automobiles, consumer goods, healthcare and consumer electronics - contributed the most.”
“Something that may surprise many, is that the Hurun Top 100 companies have been in China for 55 years on average, ie arriving in 1967. 20% have been in China for more than 100 years, led by the likes of Jardines, Standard Chartered, HSBC, Swires, Siemens, Bayer, BASF, Nestle etc...”
“In terms of countries, the largest number of companies came from the US, followed by Japan, UK, Germany and France, with the top five countries accounting for more than 80% of the Top 100. By continent, Europe contributed just under half of the Top 100.”
This is a brief English language summary of the full Chinese press release which can be found at For media enquiries please contact our public relations team whose contact details can be found at the end of this report.
Top 10
By Industry
Where do they come from?
New to the list
History with China
With the largest sales
Companies with the most employees
Key Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in the Greater Bay Area
- In search of those foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwanese companies with significant investment into the economy of the Greater Bay Area
Hurun Largest Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in China 2022 & Key Foreign & HK/Macao/Taiwan Companies in the GBA